Lay Leader Memo

The following message was sent from the Episcopal Office to the Lay and Clergy Members of the Florida Annual Conference via email on January 6, 2023:

Dear Lay and Clergy Members of the Florida Annual Conference: 
As the new resident bishop of The Florida Annual Conference, I think it is important to provide opportunities for the annual
conference to consider requests for disaffiliation from churches who have followed the process outlined in
Paragraph 2553 of our Discipline. 
Pursuant to Paragraph 603.5 of the Discipline and in accordance with Standing Rule 210 of the Florida Annual Conference,
I am announcing three virtual special sessions of the Florida Annual Conference to be held in 2023. These special sessions
of the annual conference will have the sole purpose of acting on requests of local church disaffiliation for churches who have
followed the process outlined in Paragraph 2553 of our Discipline and received proper approval from 2/3 majority of a church conference. Paragraph 2553 is the only process by which churches may disaffiliate from the conference. 
This announcement comes after prayer and consultation and with the approval of the District Superintendents. I am asking
all lay and clergy members of the annual conference to save these dates and times. Each session will take place utilizing
the ZOOM platform. More details will be forthcoming. If you are a church considering disaffiliation, please contact your
District Superintendent to discuss the discernment process and to receive an outline of next steps.

Special Virtual Sessions of the Florida Annual Conference
Saturday, April 22, 2023 – 10 AM 
Saturday, August 5, 2023 – 10 AM 
Saturday, December 2, 2023 – 10 AM 

Note: The 2023 regular session of the Florida Annual Conference is scheduled for June 8-10 at Florida Southern College. It will not include voting on the disaffiliation of local churches.
To read more about the disaffiliation process, please see this recent article from Joe Henderson.
In Christ,
Bishop Tom Berlin
Resident Bishop
The Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church

If you have any questions about your standing as a lay member to the annual conference, please contact your district administrator.