Lay Leader Reflections

Will we sing a new song?

It has been about a week since we gathered for AC22 in Lakeland. I am still reflecting on our time together. For me, this year’s gathering was both “good and pleasant” as well as “hard and complicated. While we have come this far by faith, we still have so much work to do. I remain hopeful, especially as I see the courage and resolve of the next generation of Florida United Methodists - the young laity and young clergy (including those who have yet to receive full approval) who are finding their voice and taking their place in the life of our connection. We are not all we should be in the FLUMC, but God is still at work in our Conference. 

Of many things that have stayed with me, the opening prayer led by Rev. Dr. Candace Lewis (President of Gammon School of Theology) for Saturday’s Plenary has been echoing in my heart this week. As she quoted Howard Thurman’s poem, I Will Sing a New Song, I was reminded of the new song (Psalm 96:1), the new thing (Isaiah 43:19), and the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20) that scripture calls each of us into, even as laity. I thought it might be helpful to share that poem with you:

I Will Sing a New Song by Howard Thurman

The old song of my spirit has wearied itself out.
It has long ago been learned by heart;
It repeats itself over and over,
Bringing no added joy to my days or lift to my spirit.
I will sing a new song.
I must learn the new song for the new needs.
I must fashion new words born of all the new growth
of my life– of my mind– of my spirit.
I must prepare for new melodies that have
never been mine before,
That all that is within me may lift my voice unto God.
Therefore, I shall rejoice with each new day
And delight my spirit in each fresh unfolding.
I will sing, this day, a new song unto the Lord.

The people called Methodists have always been a singing people. But in this season of change and transition, are we ready to sing the new song? Are we ready to find lyrics and melodies that resonate for a new generation? Will we welcome the rhythms and choruses that propel us into a fresh vision of who we are to be as the UMC? I invite you - the laity of the Florida Conference - to be willing to find your new song for today’s mission. In this, we will continue on the journey with Jesus, being made perfect in love by His Spirit, and joining our triune God in transforming the world. Now let us sing a new song!  

Derrick Scott III
Co-Lay Leader, Florida Conference