AC22 Recap
Video Recording of the Laity Session
Watch the Laity Session from AC22 featuring our district lay leaders, panel led by Molly McEntire, and recognition of our Certified Lay Ministers. Watch here.
Video Recordings from AC22
Catch up and remember all that happened at AC22 by viewing all of the available recordings here.
Update from the Anti-Racism Task Force
The AC22 received an update from Revs. Jana and Lee Hall-Perkins, Conference Anti-Racism Coordinators, that included a video presentation and an invitation to sign the anti-racism pledge.
Fallout from AC22 Clergy Session
During the AC22 Clergy Session, the 16-member class of provisional candidates received a 72% approval vote, just 3% below the needed threshold. News and commentary traveled quickly around the Florida Conference and US Connection. You can find the resolution passed in response to the actions here and articles from varying perspectives below:
From FLUMC News: Conference offers apology and support
From UM News: Clergy session vote highlights LGBTQ divide
From UM News: Rev. Paul Chilcote - Apply Wesleyan lens to clergy-session controversy
From UM News: Rev. Jack Jason - Florida Conference board caused the harm
FLUMC Reports from Annual Conference
FLUMC News wrote several reports from Annual Conference:
The future of the United Methodist Church: Inclusive, Respectful, Hopeful
Conference approves disaffiliation of 14 churches
The Beloved Community's message: God's love extends to everyone
Annual Conference delegates approve resolution on gun violence